Unthought of ways to make money

Unthought of ways to make money

Author: lifemail Date of post: 27.05.2017

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You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. But now the dream is over The manga of Chrono Crusade has an unusual example revealed towards the end: Pandaemonium was once a human woman pregnant with twins. The demons kidnapped her and transformed her into the monstrous, Mind Rape -using queen she is — and transformed her human children, Chrono and Aion, into demons as well. Lost Memoriesit becomes clear fairly early on that both humanform weapons and Hiruko are former humans.

Each and every Awakened Being in Claymore. And, perhaps more shockingly, the Abyss Eaters. Even more shockingly, the Youma. Every demon in the Berserk universe was once human. Humans become demons when a creepy little egg-like item called a Behelit comes into their possession and they hit an emotional nadir where they will do anything to get out of their current situation. At this point, the Behelit rearranges the features scattered upon its surface into a human face and screams, which summons the demonic gods of the Godhand, who proceed to offer him the chance to become a demon in exchange for the sacrifice of those closest to them.

It also turns out that every member of the Godhand was also human, and they are created with the use of Behelits as well. While demons do sometimes retain the personalities they had when they were human, all too often they commit Transhuman Treacherywith many of them preferring to dine on their former species.

When demons die, they typically revert to their former human forms after their spirits are Dragged Off to Hell. Anna from Elfen Lied When first introduced, she is an adorable and happy, if dimwitted, young girl who loves to run. Her father is disappointed with her lack of intelligence, and transforms her into an enormous, horribly mutated creature with super-intelligence and precognitive ability. She cannot support the weight of her gigantic head, and so must remain virtually immobile in a pool.

Remember how she loved to run? She gets better, and in perhaps the Crowning Moment of Heartwarming of a very dark story, she is overjoyed when she realizes she can't do simple math. King of Thorn has the "mother monster", which is eventually revealed to have been a human Shizuku who succumbed to The Virus. World Embryo - The enemy virus, Kanshu, were once humans who lost their memories and transformed into hideous beings upon listening to the infected radio signals in their cell phones.

Every Hollow started out as a lost human soul.

Eventually, it lost its heart, whether through time or the attacks of another hollow, and became a monster, feeling nothing but the desire to murder and a hunger for souls. If they survive long enough, Hollows can "get over it" on their own or if someone else removes their mask or uses the Hogyoku on them and become Arrancar, who are intelligent creatures and apparently don't need to eat souls anymore considering that they have copious amounts of regular food in Las Noches and only three or so Arrancar are ever shown any desire to eat anyone Similarly, the Akuma of D.

As with Hollows, their hunters know, at least in abstract that they contain the souls of innocent people forever tortured until the Akuma are destroyed and they're released, but only Allen has to confront the vision of them on a daily basis.

As with Hollows though in Bleach it's a different storyleveling up obscures more and more the original souls, until even Allen can't see them anymore. It also makes new souls in the process. Some of the monsters in Sailor Moonwere for the most part originally human. Some of the Youma in the first season and the Phage of the last season. Sailor Moon's power to restore the Phage to normal actually shocks the Starlights, as they had to simply destroy them because they lacked the ability to do so.

Though they implied their Princess could, as they stated they had to destroy them without her around. A single human-based Daimon also appeared in a flashback which was closer to their manga version. The lemures were also either human or human-like aliens before their queen stole their dreams.

Then they got weird. Though he's not terribly monstrous or in human now, even in his demon form, and only really has to avoid it because the minus wave currently makes demons Ax-Crazy. In Puella Magi Madoka Magicait turns out that every single Witch that the magical girls fight those that aren't ex-familiars, anyway was once a magical girl herselfand to make things even worse, every magical girl is ultimately doomed to become one of the very monsters she's been fightingunless she dies first.

In Fullmetal AlchemistShou Tucker, the Sewing Life alchemist, fuses his adorable daughter Nina with her dog, Alexander. He also fused his wife with another beast a few years back, in order to gain his certification. Both chimeras are able to talk, and they both made it known they were not happy with their new existence.

The one made of his wife asked to be killed and when it wasn't obliged it starved itself. The one made of Nina and Alexander is killed by Scar. It happened to Tucker himself, too, but only in the anime adaptation—in all other versions he's executed for his crimes. He was made into a chimera and officially listed as having been executed by the state so that he could continue his experiments for the government in secret.

There are a number of other cases in the series as well. Perhaps most notable are the chimeras working for Greed and Kimbleewho were soldiers fused with animals—though most of them retained their human forms, they're none too happy about their situation and the latter join the heroes so that they can eventually become fully human again—and the former serial killers used as guards at Laboratory 5, who were officially executed but actually had their souls bonded to suits of armor just like Alphonse.

Slicer and his brother lament their situation and, in the version, the latter actually ends up committing suicide, but the other guard, Barry, is perfectly fine with it.

The dragon Acnologia and Spriggan 12 member Irene Belserion from Fairy Tail were originally human Dragon Slayers. However, their magic eventually ran out of control and morphed their bodies into that of dragons though Acnologia figured out how to retake his human form at will while Irene regained her physical human appearance thanks to Zeref, though biologically she's still a dragon. Turns out this is something that happens to all Dragon Slayers eventually, unless they have certain antibodies to prevent it.

The present-day Dragon Slayers' Dragon parents sealed themselves in their children for seven years to create those antibodies. Yubel, the Big Bad of season three of Yu-Gi-Oh! She willingly gave up her humanity and was turned into a demon in order to become a spiritual guardian for her ward who would become Judai in a later life.

All of the villains originating from the Bad Future of Yu-Gi-Oh! The first is a cyborg with god-like powers, while the other two are android incarnations of their previous selves. The Seven Barian Emperors, the antagonists of the second season of Yu Gi Oh Zexalwere all once human, and they can assume human forms that resemble - for the most part - their original forms. One Piece has the island of Dressrosa. There humans and living toys live together.

Except unlike other fantastic beings in One Piece, these "toys" were once humans but turned into toy creatures by a Devil Fruit user. In Attack on TitanTitans were once human.

The only difference between Shifters like Eren and regular Titans is that he was able to control the power. Regular Titans appear to have fully absorbed their human "pilot", reducing them to mindless horrors that seek out humans to eat. Ymir was able to regain her humanity after 60 years, though the exact method is unknown. It is, however, hinted to involve the fact that she ate a suspected Shifter around the same time In Ahiru No OujisamaMister was once a prince, but is now an ugly dog.

In Naruto the thousands of Zetsu clones were victims of the first Infinite Tsukiyomi rather than clones of Hashirama. The end goal of Kaguya is to create an army using the same technique. The Juubi was created when Kaguya merged herself into the God-Tree. This happens a lot to people who go under Fran Madaraki 's scalpel, or that of her creator. Hokuto Kaneshiro is revealed to be this, having been human like Tsukune before being injected with Kiria's blood.

His new true form is infinitely more horrifying. Koro-sensi was once a human assassin, before he was captured and gradually transformed into a tentacled monster. Vampires in the Seraph of the End world were once humans themselves.

The Mutanta hideous multi-limbed He is actually Owen Crysler from The Judge Child storyline Another comic revolves around a man who is secretly given a serum based on dinosaur DNA by his upstairs neighbor, a Mad Scientist who slips it into his food.

He ends up slowly devolving into a hideous reptile man, and eats and kills his wife and the scientist before Dredd is forced to kill him. Judge Death started out as human before he met the Sisters of Death, who transformed him into the undead monster we know him as now. When his fellow Dark Judges see the results, they ask for the same to be done to them. The Sisters themselves used their magic to cast off their mortal bodies as they entered the astral plane, then return to the world of the living as banshee-like ghosts.

There's a rare genetic mutation which will slowly turn the afflicted person into a human-sized spider. Played for Drama in one comic when a woman with the condition is abandoned by her husband, Played for Laughs in another one when the test results of two patients are accidentally mixed.

After the massive jailbreak on the Titan prison, the survivors eventually come back as some sort of ice mutants. They can morph back to their human forms, but whatever they were turned into by the subterranean moon spiders, it's no longer human.

Morituri with the "mutants", four humans who were accidentally turned into super-powered monstrosities when they underwent the Morituri Process without proper supervision. In CamelotMorgan la Fay keeps an ape-like animal on a leash as a Right-Hand Attack Dog. At one point, she informs an underling that it was once a man, until he got on her nerves. Galactus of the Marvel Universe was once a man of the previous universe named Galan. As his universe died to pave way for the new, current one, Galan journeyed into the center of the Big Bang refusing to give in to destruction.

The powers that be were impressed and transformed him into Galactus. Of course, there are several other examples in both BPRD and Hellboysuch as the frog monsters, or the Too Dumb to Live wannabe satanist aristocrat couple who fell afoul of minor demon Ualac in Box Full of Evil. Played with in Paperinik New Adventures: Them expressing the wish to make her return to normality also caused them to receive a "The Reason You Suck" Speech with A God Am I thrown in to hammer down she has no reason to return normal before Xadhoom went for her Heroic Sacrifice.

Solomon Grundy was once Cyrus Gold, a merchant in 18th century Gotham City, who was murdered and whose body was dumped in the infamous Murder Swamps, where he rose once again as the unkillable Grundy, who would walk the Earth forevermore. Man-Thing was a scientist who, upon his death in a Florida swamp, was merged with an attempted recreation of the Super Soldier serum that created Captain America that he had been working on, and became a hideous half man, half plant creature with only the most basic remnants of sentience left.

Swamp Thing was once Alec Holland, who mutated into a swamp creature through similar means as Man-Thing above. Or so he thought.

Alec Holland died out there in the swamps, and the being that rose from the mud was a plant elemental with the absorbed memories and personality of Alec. Played straight after Alec's resurrection in Brightest Day: After much struggle, Alec accepts his fate, deciding to become Swamp Thing for real.

Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch was a wizard who was punished to live years as a cat because he tried to take over the world. While never a man per se on the counts of being neither male nor technically humanthe Blob Monster ie. Rin Satsuki definitely fits. In the Portal 2 fanfic Blue Sky this is revealed to be true of Wheatley, though he isn't pleased to realise it. He eventually makes it back to his real body. A lot of human! Wheatley fanfics invoke this.

In the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfiction Legends of Equestria Discord reveals that he was once a unicorn in ancient times. However, he was transformed by the corrupting power of dark magic after accepting it in an attempt to restore order to his life after his family is killed. On a similar note, in Ask Crapplejack it is explained in Equestria's prehistory that Discord was actually one in a race of Draconequusi, and were not twisted and ugly like him, but were beautiful and actually looked like dragons with horse features.

Discord's transformation began when a war broke out between the Draconequus race and the race of Alicorns, who lived along side them, and he looked for a way to sway the tides, so he unleashed a powerful god of madness named Genuvial which corrupted his mind and body until he lost sight of the war and decided to turn the world to chaos instead.

The Ponies Of Olympus series: Chrysalis and her subjects used to be normal ponies implied to have been flutterponies, in factbefore Erebos transformed them.

And Discord used to be a pony named Endymion and was Luna's lover before some unspecified event led to him trying to take Chaos' powers and being consumed by it. Pretty much what a prolongued exposure to gyroids do to people in The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing The Nuptialverse has Chrysalis having once been a normal pegasus who made a deal with Discord for power she thought he was going to make her an alicorn; he thought that was too boring.

Likewise, the other changelings were once flutterponies until Discord needed to give Chrysalis an army. Actually, I'm Dead begins with an Alternate Ending to "Magic Dual", where Trixie dies and is brought back to life as an undead creature, but with her mind still stuck in her decaying body.

It gets worse, when she dies yet again and is brought back by the amulet as. The Phantomas well as the other wizards who created the Shadowkhan, were once human, but the resulting magic of creating the lower, mindless Shadowkhan, caused them to transform but since they kept their minds and became The Agelessthey didn't care.

Daolon Wong later repeats the process as a Mid-Season Upgrade. Said inhabitants are now freaky aliens with tentacles coming from their backs. In the Transcendence AU for Gravity FallsDipper was his human self before he became a demon. In The BridgeKing Caesar and Monster X were both men who volunteered to be transformed into Kaiju in order to protect and serve their people.

Monster X has Trauma-Induced Amnesia and does not remember this. The Reveal of Diamond in the Rough Aladdin is that the Carpet, Iago, and the Tiger's Head at the Cave of Wonders were once humans, transformed during a duel for the lamp.

Theorized in For Love of Magic after Harry nearly becomes a Dementor; he wonders if Dementors are wizards who tampered with magic they didn't understand.

In the Final Fantasy VII fanfic, Cissnei's Pathseveral of the summonings like Odin and Ramuh are revealed to have formerly been human. In Beauty and the Beastthe eponymous Beast was a human prince with a cold heart who was turned into a chimera-esque monster by a sorceress posing as an old woman seeking shelter.

The only way for him to break the curse placed upon him was to learn to love another. In Bravean old witch with a strange penchant for bears has at least twice given people "solutions" to their problems that involve turning people into bears. One such transformation resulted in Mor'du, the demon bruin, who having asked for the strength of ten men seems to have taken heartily to his new identity as a complete monster.

In Rise of the Guardianswhile all the Guardians are more supernatural beings than monsters, Tooth implies that they were all mortal before becoming who they are now.

Jack was a human who had drowned before the Moon transformed him into an immortal being. In the horror film The Caveone of the monsters bears the same tattoo on its hand as one of the cavers previously seen entombed within the cave system at the beginning of the movie. Which bodes poorly for parasite-infected expedition leader Jack. The Reavers in Serenity.

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Actually, it was BECAUSE their minds were warped that their bodies are so messed up self mutilation. The Cenobites in Hellraiser films. And when a Cenobite is killed, his or her body turns back into human form, suggesting that killing one of them may be a Mercy Kill in some cases. In the thriller b-movie Sssssssmad scientist Dr. Carl Stoner Strother Martin turns his lab assistants into king cobras.

Darth Vader probably qualifies, certainly in spirit: He's more machine than man now, twisted and evil. General Grievous certainly does The lizard-monster in The Relic is revealed at the end to be a human explorer who ate a concoction of some particularly funky herbs in South America. Davy Jones in the second and third installments of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Lampshaded by Calypso, who describes Jones in this manner and is responsible for the curse that transformed him; she briefly reverts him to his human form as well when they meet free stock trading chatrooms. His crew of mutated humanoid sea creatures also qualify.

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The mutants in the Doom yesterday's stock market. Condemned criminals who were injected with an extra pair of when does lse market close, but due to their DNA having "genetic markers for evil", horrifically mutated.

And they can sense who else has the same evil genes, so they attack them as well. Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th series was once a normal child, birth defects not withstanding. Then he drowned in a lake while camp counselors neglected their duties to have sex in the woods.

Now, he's an undead killing machine, slaughtering anyone unlucky enough to come to Camp Crystal Lake. Vlad Tepes from the movie Bram Stoker's Draculaapparently forsaking God turned him into a bloodsucking beast with power to turn others into vampires just like him. In Phantasminventor Jebediah Morningside steps through his newly created dimensional gate.

The Tall Man is what comes back through. The Son'a in Star Trek: Rise of an Empire: According trade futures thinkorswim Queen Gorgo, Xerxes literally broker forex philippine every human part of him to become a God-King by making a deal with evil forces in a desert cave.

Alexander elder forex Untoldshows how Vlad III was before he was a vampire and his transition into the legendary Count Dracula.

Sam Philips, protagonist of the British sci-fi horror flick Xtroreturns home 3 years after his mysterious disappearance. What his fnb forex cape town contact number and son don't how much money does a dental hygienist make in missouri is that after being taken by the mysterious aliens, they changed him so that he can adapt to their homeworld's atmosphere.

Unfortunately, it also turns him into practice trading oil futures contract dangerous mutant operating on Blue and Orange Morality who won't hesitate to exploit or murder those around him. Except his own son, who eventually becomes an alien like his father and returns with him to the alien homeworld. The idea pops up in several H. Lovecraft stories, particularly The Beast in the CaveThe Rats in the WallsFacts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and his Familyand The Shadow Over Innsmouth.

Pech in The Dark Elf Trilogy technically was never human, but he was a harmless sentient creature turned into a monstrous hook horror by a wizard. Tolkien 's Middle-Earth The Lord of the Ringsetc: In Tolkien's concept, evil and the various Big Bads cannot create, only pervert: The orcs are descendants of elves twisted pacaleala forex Sauron's predecessor, Morgoth.

If you really want a squicky thought, it's rumoured that the Uruk-hai were partly Man nse bse trading holidays 2013 some fashion. Trolls are a mockery of Ents. Subverted in the case of the undead Barrow-wights, who only matlab european call option the dead bodies of those buried.

However, the orcs-from-elves theory is only one possible explanation - Tolkien kept revising that one. Some dislike the idea that orcs were literally corrupted elves as that would imply the orcs have genuine sentience and intelligence, which Tolkien implies on a few occasions is not the case, so some suggest the orcs are corruptions of various non-sentient animals.

In The Relicthe museum beast is revealed to be a scientist mutated by an ancient retrovirus. In William King's Warhammer 40, novel Omnicom stock options WolfRagnor is most horrified about the nightgangers that they find in a Chaos-tainted cave because they, or their ancestors, had been human once.

In Lee Lightner's Sons of Fenris when the Space Wolves and Dark Angels go up against Cadmus's elite forces, the tattered remnants of their uniforms is the only evidence they had once been human; some still wield weapons, but only those merged with their flesh. In Graham McNeill 's Warhammer 40, Ultramarines novel Dead Sky Black SunUriel realizes the Unfleshed — monstrous, gigantic next to him, a Space Marineand flesh-eating — were once not only human but children.

When they are willing to speak with him, having smelled that he came from the same place they were madehe finds that they are still good and will help him in his quest. One sadly confesses to him that they loathe themselves because of their forms. In The Killing GroundUriel must Mercy Kill the last survivor and is left deeply melancholy thereafter.

In James Swallow 's Warhammer unthought of ways to make money, Red Furythe Bloodfiends have fragmentary memories of the Blood Angels whose blood they have lyrics by rick ross money make me cum ; Rafen, fighting one, is reminded of his dead mentor Koris, and when he kills it, its last breath might have been a word: Gav Thorpe's Warhammer 40, novel The Path Of The Warrior reveals that Eldar Exarchs were once Eldar, but lost themselves in the struggle to fur trader days geddes their rage and became part of a gestalt consciousness dominated by the first Exarch to lead their shrine, trapped and unable to die, subsumed into the whole, and speaking only in stream-of-consciousness.

This has actually been part of the background fluff for Eldar since the beginning. The Path Of The Warrior simply gives us a very up close and personal exposure to what it's like inside the head of an Exarch. New Jedi Orderthe mindless warbeasts known as the Vagh Rodiek were once Rodians.

They were created when the planet fell to the Yuuzhan Vong. She was once a mortal woman species unclear who served The Father, The Son, and The Daughter. She was eventually promoted to The Mother and loved her new family. As she aged, she grew paranoid that her ageless family would abandon her, so she drank of the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge. While this granted her immortality and advanced Force powers, this also mutated her into an Eldritch Abomination.

Sadly, this event caused her family to abandon her. In Neal Shusterman's Everlostthe monster called the McGill is revealed to have been Mary's brother, who sank down to the center of the earth and clawed his way back up.

When he returned, he was a monster. The Steel Inquisitors of Mistborn are humans who have been transformed into nigh-immortal killing machines via the dark art of Hemalurgy.

The Stock market avatar guide neopets from the same series were originally humans as well, created by a similar process. Also The First Generation of kandra were ALSO former human Feruchemists who were friend of the Lord Ruler before his ascension, the other kandra are descended from mistwraiths that were ALSO Feruchemists, who weren't friends of the Lord Ruler and so didn't get to be sentient after the Lord Ruler was done with them.

Kandra are made from mistwraiths using the same Black Magic that makes Inquisitors and koloss. Unusually for these tropes, it's not all bulls make money bears make money but pigs just get slaughtered horrifying or morally dark.

Kandra are intelligent and have no memories of being human, except for those of the first generation, so it's not traumatic for them. The Black Magic that turns mistwraiths into kandra is "black" because it is Blood Magicsort of, and turns them into The Mole for the Bigger Badbut that part doesn't come up until the end of the last book of the trilogy.

In Death Masks of The Dresden FilesHarry gets a nice shock to the system when he looks into the eyes of the latest monstrosity to cross his path and sees the human soul it has. In Cold Days at the end, Queen Mab tells Harry that she was once a mortal. And Molly fills this as she becomes a Fae Queen as well.

And then there are also the three types of vampires: Played with in Discworld. Unseen Academicals marks the first appearance of orcs in the series. During the course of the book it is revealed that they are a manufactured species made from goblins. Only as it turns out, that's a misconception. As Vetinari puts it, "Goblins wouldn't have been nearly as ferocious. Also, the librarian due to a massive magical event.

He's perfectly happy being an orangutan for the rest of his life; just don't call him a monkey. Howard 's Conan the Barbarian: In the story " Red Nails ", Tolkemec. He was not mad, as a man is mad. He had dwelt apart from humanity so long that he was no longer human. Before you stands the glorious form to which a priestess of power and prestige might aspire! You are not long dead. You still remember your life and your name. In time, all this will fade.

The priestess will be forgotten. Only Lolth will remain. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Vampires are humans who have been turned into soul-less demons. Some of them, like Angel and later Spike, are able to regain their soul, but others are quite better off dusted. Several of the monsters on Supernaturalthe most important being the demons, which are made by torturing souls in the bowels of Hell.

One later iteration of the Daleks in Doctor Who were produced by "filleting, sifting, and pulping" living humans to render a handful of cells judged strong enough to be shaped into Dalek form and welded into a travel machine. Another Dalek faction, the Imperials, were made from Human Popsicles. And the original Daleks were once the humanoid Kaleds. The Toclafane are Axe-Crazy flying metal spheres that are able to deploy knives and laserguns. Turns out that they once were humans living at the time of the universe's end.

They turned themselves into metal spheres in hopes of surviving the end of the universe. And of course the Cybermen, more than any of the others. It's arguably the whole conception behind the way they were originally written in the s. In the revived series, the Cybermen all look identical and have the same voice, so it's particularly jarring when Pete Tyler is confronted by a Cyberman that used to be his wife.

Many stories involving The Virus: The Face of Boe may have once been Jack Harkness, or maybe Jack was just messing with the Doctor and Martha when he said that. Oswin in "Asylum Of The Daleks". How to make money betting cs go Daleks turned her into one of them, and she was unable to deal with aed exchange rate history, instead dreaming that she was still human.

In Power Rangers Time ForceFrax, the robot who worked for Ransik but would eventually go solo, was once a human named Dr. Fericks who saved Ransik's life in the past, but was rewarded with the destruction of his lab and body. After using his own technology to rebuild himself, Frax vowed revenge on Ransik, and infiltrated his organization to bring him down from within. Master Org in Power Rangers Wild Force was current status of philippine stock market Doctor before taking on the powers and identity of the original Master Org.

His minions weren't happy when savage 11/111 trophy hunter xp wood stock found out, but he proved to be too much for them when they tried to rebel.

Zeltrax was transformed into a cyborg after a lab explosion. He is not happy about the loss of his body, and has decided that it is in a roundabout manner Tommy's fault. Mesogog was once a human scientist too. In Power Rangers SamuraiDeker and Dayu were once human. Dayu sold her soul to save the life of the then-human Deker, but Deker has lost his memory and is now a Blood Knight who fights to satisfy his bloodlust, either by defeating a Worthy Opponent or by being put out of his misery.

Last time he fought the Red Ranger, it looks as if the latter has finally happened. However, the season's only half over All Borg in Star Trek started as other species, usually humanoid. And Seven Of Nine is an actual human from the Federation. The Man in Black on Lost claims to have once been a human before becoming a sentient cloud of smoke.

He's now human again, only able to switch between his monster form and John Locke. A flashback exotic animal sale in cookeville tennessee shows that this is true. In the cult One-Episode Wonder series Heat Vision and Jackthe Cool Bike Heat Vision used to be Jack's friend Owen, before he got hit with an experimental ray gun that caused him to merge with his motorcycle.

The Wicked Importance of stock market crash flying monkeys in Once Upon a Time Game of Thrones: The "Oathkeeper" episode reveals that a good number of the White Walkers were originally Craster's sacrificed sons whom the Night's King transformed with a touch.

The White Walkers attempted to turn Benjen Stark into a wight, but he was saved by the Children, who restored his mind. However, his appearance and the way their magic works makes it clear he isn't strictly human anymore either way.

That Mitchell and Webb Look: The Quiz Broadcast sketches have Themdeep-voiced, red-eyed zombie-like things who want to get inside they really want to get insideand are implied to know more about what caused the mysterious "Event" than anyone else. But they were once human, something that breaks the game-show host's Stepford Smiler routine briefly.

Why do They look like us? The eponymous character in the Black Sabbath song "Iron Man" was a well-intentioned human given metallic form by a "great magnetic field" while traveling time to save the future of humanity. He went on to go cuckoo and decimate the human race because after he saves them, they won't help him or accept him.

Most undead creatures are, naturally, like this. In some Greek mythsMedusa was a priestess who was transformed as punishment for being raped by Poseidon in Athena's Temple Athena, pissed that sex was going on in her temple, but unable to actually do anything to Poseidon, opted to recent scam in stock market Medusa unthought of ways to make money.

In a later Lighter and Softer version, though, Medusa was turned for having boasted about being prettier than Athena inside Athena's own templemaking her turning into the embodiment of ugliness a karmic punishment. Quite a lot of animals in Greek myth were actually humans who ticked off the gods and were transformed into beasts - Arachne and King Lykans being the two most prominent. Scylla and Charybdis also fall into this category.

For a full list, read Ovid's Metamorphoses. Oddly subverted in the case of Heracles though. Born a man, his heroism leads him to be elevated to a god. Admittedly, one of his parents was a god, but there are plenty of other heroes in Greek mythology who have one divine parent, and Heracles is the only one who manages to become a god himself though there are several humans who upon their deaths are made into constellations, trees, islands, stars, etc.

Fafniraka the dragon from Wagner's Ring cycle, aka the inspiration for Smaug in The HobbitWas Once a Man! In fact, he got the gold hoard first, and it cursed him into his monstrous form for his greed. His siblings, fyi, were a dwarf and an otter.

His brother was a shapeshifter, as was he and his father, hence the otter thing. Though it is not supported by The Bible or any major religion except Mormonismpopular tradition has people become angels when they die. A more theologically sound example from Christianity would be demons, who are said to be angels that rebelled against God and fell from his grace.

The Bohrok in BIONICLE were Once Av-Matoran. Nuparu made the Boxor machines out of Bohrok parts, so the Boxors are made out of dead Av-Matoran While he didn't pilot Boxors, one of the topmost fighters in the war against the Bohrok was Takua, himself an Av-Matoran!

Sorry, it had to be done. The Bohrok are the least of it. A whole ton of characters have or have had this as a plot, including Nidhiki, who was once a Toa, The Barraki, who were once warlords described as market america stock quote physical specimens", the Rahaga, who were also once Toa although they get betterand the Toa Metru, who temporarily became half-beast monsters called Toa Hordika.

A number of prestige classes, such as the alienist and fleshwarper, eventually become something inhuman as well and not in a good way, like a monk's ascension to outsider statusalthough without necessarily being evil. The kaorti originated when humans or elves who went to the Far Realm and were changed by what they found. They reproduce through assimilation. Chaos Spawn from WarhammerWarhammer: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40, are the result of the Chaos Gods rewarding their champions with many gifts, including physical mutations.

Champions rewarded with too many ill-considered gifts will eventually lose their sanity and become little more than beasts, herded into battle by their former followers. Scylla Anfinngrim, a champion of Khorne from Warhammer and Warhammer: Age of Sigmar devolved into a giant, hairy, shambling clawed horror. Unlike most spawn, he's proven nearly impossible to kill, and his tribe keeps him fed and worship him as the mighty warrior he was in exchange for getting to take a pure killing machine to war with them.

Tamurkhan from the Warhammer supplement Tamurkhan Throne of Chaos. He was turned into a child sized maggot-like creature with multiple eyes who can borrow into people's bodies and take them over to be his own while they're still alive. Age of Sigmar some Tzaangor were originally humans who have gone through dark rituals to be turned into the avian beast-kin. This transformation is often voluntary with members of the Cult of the Transient Form in particular seeing being turned into a Tzaangor as a great honour.

Fabius Bile is shown pulling this on a large number of Space Marines in the Horus Heresy novels. Only one or two retain some fragments of sanity after the mad Apothecary finishes tinkering; the rest are little more than rabid killing machines. The Necrontyr were once a sentient organic species, but long ago had their consciousnesses uploaded into robotic bodies, becoming the Necrons.

Among other things, this cost them their souls, which were devoured by their gods. Some Necrons have further afflictions: The Haemonculi fleshcrafters turn some of their prisoners into Grotesques, massive hypertrophied things with iron plates fused over their faces and weapons grafted into their limbs.

They are treated as Cannon Fodder in battle, and frequently used against their own species. Given how the Dark Eldar feed on physical and emotional anguish, it is quite likely that Grotesques retain their original minds but are trapped in bodies no longer under their control. The Wracks, Dark Eldar who willingly let a Haemonculus turn them into lesser Grotesques. Some of them treat this as an apprenticeship, hoping to become Haemonculi themselves, but many are just bored with their decadent lives and want to spend decades as horrific abominations.

Your player characters qualify as this in White Wolf 's Changeling: The Lost for the New World of Darkness. Each and every changeling was once a human man or woman, until the day that The Gentry stole him or her away to Arcadia. There, they slowly lost most of their humanity and became bizarre faerie creatures themselves. The ones who managed to trick, sneak or fight their way back to Earth are the lucky ones; they still have something of a human mind left.

Others remain in Arcadia until there's nothing human left — there's only the faerie. Even those lucky escapees aren't really human, physically, they're just wearing an illusionary cloak of being human called the Mask. And their mind is still rooted in Arcadia's madness, so they're slowly becoming less and less human mentally, anyway. The Sin-Eatersthe titular Geists are alien and horrifically inhuman monsters. Except, really, they're actually very old human ghosts who have fused with an Anthropomorphic Personification of death.

The Ascensionpeople who spend too much time in the Spirit World irreversibly metamorphose into spirits themselves. They are warped caricatures of their former selves, physically and mentally distorted into something utterly inhuman. This is the origin of Threat Null; the Technocrats who were stranded by the Avatar Storm became something alien and monstrous, and the Void Engineers are the only thing preventing them from returning to Earth.

Every member of the Experiment Gone Horribly Wrong race are this in Bleak Worldand desperately want it back. Some have it worse than others though: LegionSuper Soldiers and Androids are all more capable of blending in and regaining humanity than their Patchwork and Radio Zombie brethren.

In Riftsthe island of Manhattan called "Madhaven" in the setting is filled with some of the most squicky creatures in the series. And the freakiest part? They're all mutated humans. All of the Feldragons in Arc Rise Fantasia are heavily implied to be people of the Divine Race exposed to hozone without a dragon gem to protect them.

Those that aren't Divine Race turned dragons are implied to be the results of Ignacy's experiments on Common Race peopleincluding orphans. Arkham KnightBatman name-drops this trope when referring to Man-Bat formerly Kirk Langstrom. Dark Souls and Demon's Souls are made of this. Pretty much every hollow you ever face is a human that gave up hope. Not only that but many of the bosses and all the black phantoms also qualify. Crewman Norris in Shin Megami Tensei: He begins hearing voices as you begin exploring Sector Bootes, and then he reaches for the sector's central tower, the Palace of Pleasure.

V. Of the Wings of Atalanta. Du Bois, W. E. B. The Souls of Black Folk

Next time you see him, he's being experimented upon, and the transformation ain't pretty. Worst part is, you can see how he slowly loses his mind as you traverse the sector. From the same company, the Hito-Shura. Ordinary High-School Student one moment. Godslaying badass Humanoid Abomination the next.

Despite relatively few physical changes only a horn in the back of the head and glowing full-body tattoos Word of God is his entire body has become a demon's - the horn is actually a primitive brain or sensory organ allowing him to truly interact with demons, and the tattoos are actually subdermal streams of demonic lymph. And the victims of the Demon Virus in Digital Devil Saga all used to be humans.

After infection, they gain a demonic side capable of manifesting through their bodies, spanning the whole range from a lowly slime to a gigantic dragon; either way, it hungers for the flesh and blood of man. It's necessary to keep the demon well fed and content, or it will slowly start eating at the infected person's mind, devouring the human identity and leaving the starved, crazed demon permanently in charge.

Virtually all the monsters from the Resident Evil series with the exception of a few based on animals are humans infected with various viruses or parasites. The Tyrant series are a special case in that they're human- basedbut are in fact clones of Ozwell Spencer's Dragon Sergei Vladimir that were experimented on via surgery and viral infection.

The ghouls in the Fallout series. Apart from looking like corpses, they're not really very different from humans they're more resistant to some drugs and they may live much longerbut some go mad, becoming Fast Zombie -esque "Feral Ghouls".

Super Mutants are an even straighter example, as they actively kidnap humans to infect with the FEV Forced Evolutionary Virus. A specific mutant in Fallout 3 actually says word-for-word "I was once a man" but he's referring less to his mutation and more to his being fused with a tree.

These things look - I think they really used to be people. In addition to the aforementioned Ghouls and Super Mutants, the Dead Money DLC features the Ghost People, a race of insane and nigh-immortal mutants who have been so extensively mutated one could argue that they are no longer technically animals.

Robobrains are robots that were made by extracting the brain from a human, giving it a memory-wipe, and turning it into an organic computer to run the robot body. Every single enemy you fight was once a human; even the significantly larger bosses are made of dozens or even hundreds of human corpses joined together into one big mass.

The Lurkers are encountered just one room after a datapad with a list of the month's births, confirming that yes, these were somebody's babies before they were murdered and transformed, just like the grown-ups. The sequel introduces the Pack, a form of zombie made from prepubescent children who hunt in groups.

City of Heroes has several, notably the Devoured, the Hamidon, the Rikti, and as you find out in one story arc, Malta's Titan robots. The Hamidon is definitely the worst case, being an amoeba the size of a city block, created through some terrible fusion of genetic engineering and dark magic, with maybe some divine empowerment thrown in.

Eldritch Abomination comes to mind. The Dark Astoria arcs feature the Sentinel of Motwho was once Marcus Valerius. An in-universe theory toward the Thorn bloodline of Bloodline Champions. This is fairly common in the Warcraft universe. Notable is the Demon Hunter Illidan Stormrage, who, after using a demonic artifact to gain power, was transformed into a demon. Illidan's got nothing on, well, every race on Azeroth AND beyond. Firstly, those that play it straight: Naga used to be Night Elf Highborn who were transformed by their queen, Azshara, when their city was sunk into the sea during the Sundering.

The Broken, the Lost Ones, and the Eredar are all degenerated versions of the Draenei who were mutated by over-exposure to fel energy. The funny thing about Eredar is that they're physically not all that transformed; they look demonic because their ancestors already looked about like that, as do the good guy Draenei now. The Forsaken were the humans who were stricken with a plague of undeath. The Fal'dorei are demonic Spider People who were originally elven Shal'dorei. The fountain of arcane energy they drew upon exploded, twisting them into their current forms.

World of Warcraft also inverts this when we discover that the Curse of Flesh caused mutation in many, if not all, of the Titan's creations. Earthen became dwarves, mechagnomes became regular gnomes, and Vrykul became Humans.

These are all inversions since the transformations go from "monster" to man. There is a theory that Night Elves from which all other elves are descended descended themselves from Trolls who were exposed to the arcane energies of the Well of Eternity, once more inverting the trope. This is confirmed in the new Chronicles book. All but a small few of the demonic races were once regular beings that became so tainted by fel energy they eventually became full demons, usually caused by direct interference by the Burning Legion as an assimilation plot.

Many night elves became full demons in the form of satyrs and many other races became part-way demonic such as chaos orcs and the felblood elves through similar corruption. The eredar are an odd case because the majority of the species became demons after siding with the Legion while a minority fled and became draenei, which is different because the previous cases had mainly the minority of their race become demonic.

Only a few races like the Nathrezim are confirmed to be originally demonic. Captain Keyes, when you eventually find him.

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He's been absorbed into a massive Flood organism, retaining enough sentience to contact you on your commlink through sheer force of will. Not to mention the fact that the Master Chief needs his neural thingywhatsit, requiring him to punch through what was left of his face into his brain.

Hell, any human or Covenant, if you consider alien races that the Flood infects could be considered an example of this. In Halo 4we find out that most of the Promethean Knights used to be human, who were harvested by the Didact to be made into weapons.

As noted in "Literature", Alpha Halo's Monitor Guilty Spark used to be human. Scorpion, from the Mortal Kombat series, was once Hanzo Hasashi, the leader of the Shirai-Ryu clan of ninjas. When their rivals, the Lin Kuei, slaughtered them, and their leader Sub-Zero killed him, he returned as a wraith fueled by a burning desire for revenge. And after exacting his revenge on him, the elder Sub-Zero goes through something similarbecoming the wraith Noob Saibot. The oni Drahmin also plays this trope straight.

There's an interesting subversion with Quan-Chi, who is a demon that gradually became more and more humanoid. Most, if not all, of the monsters from Clive Barker's Jericho. The Legend of Zelda In the manual for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Pastit's stated that Ganon was once a man called Ganondorf, the leader of a tribe of thieves before gaining the Triforce and becoming a giant Pig Man.

We get to see his Gerudo form in Ocarina of Timeand Ganon generally serves as Ganondorf's One-Winged Angel form in later games. This is later taken Up to Eleven in Breath of the Wildwhere Ganon has become so powerful that he's now an ancient, bestial mass of dark energy, said to be malice incarnate.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time mentions that Hylians eventually transform into Stalfos when lost in The Lost Woods without a fairy to guide them. You actually meet a lost man in the woods who appears oddly gaunt and skeletal although he looked like that before he went into the woodsand when you return from his fetch quest with what he wants, he's gone and a Kokiri informs you he has become a Stalfos and seems positively joyed to claim eventually everyone lost in the forest will someday turn.

In addition, children who are lost in the woods are said to turn into Skull Kids. They're usually shown as more tragic enemies, considering that you're able to talk with them as a child.

All the NPCs in the Dark World of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Pastas the Dark World has the effect of transforming anyone who enters it into a form that matches his personality. Link, due to his innocent nature, is transformed into a pink bunny rabbit without any means of protecting himself. Similarly, the Twilight in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess turns normal humans into spirits, Link into a wolfand does not seem to affect magic-users.

Spirits and Twili will eventually transform into the inconsistently named " Twilit Messengers " better known as Shadow Beasts or "those screaming things that guard portals". Even better known as 'Those Bastards Who Sound Like The Iron Giant Being Beaten To Death And Refuse To Stay Dead For More Than Five Seconds'. Described by the Freelance Astronauts as "Rastafarian squid-dudes". Though they aren't actually monsters, Ezlo and Midna probably count. Done in at least two side quests in Final Fantasy Tactics A2.

In one mission, a requester asks for help as he and his friends are trapped in a mine and is afraid he will become the ghosts that haunt the place. When you get there, you encounter a gang of ghosts and its leader weakly begs for help.

When you meet the person, it's actually a zombie, but has retained enough sense and control to talk to Luso normally. When the zombie uses the Potion on itself, it winds up hurting itself and Luso has to stop it from drinking the Hi-Potion. That's when the zombie realizes it is dead and was wondering why clans were attacking and people at inns throwing rocks.

Later on, you discover that the zombie is actually Frimelda, a former Blademaster. She fought battles with a Paladin and over time, he grew jealous of her success as a fighter while he failed to follow in her footsteps, so he drugged her and she became a zombie. You can heal her eventually and she will join your clan. One of the gifted somehow turned into a dragon, originally being a hume. In Golden Sunthe people of Bilibin wanted to build a castle out of wood for their queen. The tree that they put their axes into turned out to be sentient, and cursed all of the villagers of Bilibin and Kolima to turn into trees.

Hooray, we defeated the dragons! Necrid in SoulCalibur 2 Talim: The poor wretch was warped beyond recognition. To think that it was once human. Such strange creatures that had been spawned by this dark magic; things half insect and half mammal - human torsos grafted onto abominations of the flesh.

The page image is from Nedroid" Face It ". I was two men! In Danielthe title character used to be a very shy but kind man. Not so much later though as he catches a bad case of vampiric death that leaves him a twisted version of his former self. Demons in Dominic Deegan Were Once Men; we get to see some of the transitions. Most notable, of course, is Siegfriedwhom we knew rather well before his death. In fact, he was the second recurring character to be introduced. From this to this to this.

His back story is fleshed out as the comic progressed, and so far the only really bad thing he ever did in his life he repented halfway through and ran away to sacrifice himself heroically. May be the only being in hell not rightfully damned there. Karnak, however, is both evil and a total Jerk Assalthough he has been having some character development. Had a Rorschach Moment in December and appointed himself Warden of Hell and informed the damned that they were all trapped in there with him.

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Without becoming much less despicable, Karnak in the last couple years has scaled the heights of Crazy Awesome. His Siggy-flail was choice, as was his "The Reason You Suck" Speech at his Kangaroo Court trial. And then there's the simple things: The SCP Foundation 's SCP squick warning as revealed in the uncensored report.

And if this story is of any indication, the Humanoid Abomination that is SCP All the monsters in Ruby Quest According to his song, Trogdor was originally a man, but then turned into a dragon-man before finally becoming a dragon completely. Then again, the singer doesn't seem too sure about it. Web Serial Worm features Mannequin, once a meek Gadgeteer Genius striving to avert the Reed Richards Is Useless trope, now a member of the villain group called the Slaughterhouse Nine, encased in a special protective suit of armor that features retracting blades, unnatural ranges of movement, and detached limbs that he can swing, throw or fire from his suit using chains.

Topping it off, he may only be a brain and a few organs that fit in the armored torso. And he did it all to himself. Crawler, a fellow member of the Nine, is also this. His power allows him to regenerate from pretty much anything and then form a permanent defensive adaptation against that attack.

The result is that he went from a normal-looking guy to an elephant-sized, six-limbed monstrosity covered in armor and eyes. Echidna is still human from the waist up, but below that is a bloated monster that is constantly growing. If angered the monster will go on a rampage and has killed dozens in the past. A chapter from Noelle 's point of view shows that her mind is slowly being backseated by the monster's mind. Pretty much all the minions of supervillain Dr. Macabre in the Whateley Universe.

He kidnaps teens, transforms them into monsters, and forces them to do his bidding. The one captured by the police is a girl who is now mostly ghoul: The ending of the second part of Bee and Puppycat might hint that Puppycat was the cursed human in the fairy tale he told. The creepiest part of Ben Alien Force is the revelation that the DNAliens were all once humans who had brain slugs put on their heads. It's never really addressed after "Max Out", which was the most serious and darkest episode of the entire series, though.

Except for one where an amnesiac man who can only recall being taken by the aliens turns out to be a disguised DNAlien and is restored to being a human again at the end of the episode.

In one episode of Invader Zim "Gameslave 2"the rat people in the labyrinthine parking complex Dib gets lost in claim this happened to them, but Dib is unconvinced. A female one actually says "I was once a man," causing Dib to respond, bewildered, "But I was once a man, like you! I once worked in a Chicky-Licky hut, like you!

I don't work in a Chicky-Licky hut. DON'T LOOK AT ME! Was Once A PersonWas Once HumanWas Human Once. Vestigial Empire This Used To Be An Index We Used to Be Friends Warring Natures Otherness Tropes We Have Those, Too Undeathly Pallor Undead Index Who Wants to Live Forever?

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