Dojo currency format options

Dojo currency format options

Author: Martihon Date of post: 06.07.2017

In JavaScript, the ability to format and parse Date objects is limited to a fixed locale and set heuristics. Leveraging data from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository CLDR project, Dojo provides the ability to format and parse date objects in many different locales.

Cultural conventions: Date, Number and Currency — The Dojo Toolkit - Reference Guide

For example, look at the following date formatted using the default locale for the user in this case, English - United States and also with a specific locale override of Chinese - PRC China:. For a user running in an English locale:.

Cultural conventions: Date, Number and Currency — The Dojo Toolkit - Reference Guide

Also, it is possible to reverse the process and parse String objects into Dates. Special patterns may be specified to provide custom formats, however using such a pattern overrides the locale-specific behavior and may result in an application that is not properly localized.

Dojo Script Documentation

The patterns used follow the specification and are similar to those used by the Java dateformat class e. Also available under dojo.

The formatting and parsing of numbers is handled in much the same way. Conventions vary around the world for the decimal and thousands separator, placement of the sign, and symbols used to indicate exponential numbers or percentages. There are other exceptions, such as in India, where the thousands separator is used at the thousands place, then again after every two digits instead of three.

dojo currency format options

Dojo provides the facilities to properly format and parse numbers on a localized basis using the methods in dojo. Other options may be specified to limit output to a certain number of decimal places or use rounding. And again, custom formats may be specified, overriding the local customs.

It is not necessary to craft translated files to support these conventions in your locale. Dojo supports the above cultural conventions and currency types in pretty much every locale available through the CLDR, which is included with the Dojo build tools.

Cultural conventions: Date, Number and Currency view /quickstart/internationalization/number-and-currency-formatting

However, by default, only a subset of these locales and currencies are built as JavaScript objects in the Dojo repository under dojo. Startpage Dojo Dijit DojoX. Date, Number and Currency Dates and Times Numbers and currencies Locale support.

Excel - Number Format (Number, Currency, Accounting, Date Time, Percentage etc)

For example, look at the following date formatted using the default locale for the user in this case, English - United States and also with a specific locale override of Chinese - PRC China: Table of Contents Cultural conventions: Date, Number and Currency Dates and Times Numbers and currencies dojo.

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