How much money does an airplane engineer make

How much money does an airplane engineer make

Author: ganiklu Date of post: 27.06.2017
how much money does an airplane engineer make

Aerospace engineers may design spacecraft, satellites and other equipment that can operate outside Earth's atmosphere. Aeronautical engineers are aerospace engineers who work with aircraft and missile systems that operate only within the planet's atmosphere. Applicants typically need a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering or a closely related field before finding employment.

Aerospace Engineer Salary

Average salaries for aerospace engineers varied widely by state as of The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment among aerospace engineers will grow at a very slow rate of 5 percent over the coming decade, resulting in an estimated additional 4, jobs by Most of the demand for engineers of this specialty is expected to be driven by the demands of national defense and the need to improve the safety and energy efficiency of civilian aircraft.

Job opportunities are expected to be most favorable for engineers trained to use computational fluid dynamics software.

Aerospace Engineer Salaries by education, experience, location and more -

Those who wish to advance into managerial or supervisory positions can improve their prospects by obtaining a master's degree and a license through the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Skip to main content. Salary by State Average salaries for aerospace engineers varied widely by state as of Occupational Outlook The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment among aerospace engineers will grow at a very slow rate of 5 percent over the coming decade, resulting in an estimated additional 4, jobs by References 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics: Aerospace Engineers Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics for Aerospace Engineers, May Suggest an Article Correction.

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