What new deal agency was created in 1934 to regulate the stock markets

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The First and Second New Deal programs put in place by FDR during the Great Depression. Civilian Conservation Corps CCC.

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First New Deal March 31, Relief- Employed single men, ages , for natural resource jobs planting trees, fighting fires, flood control to keep them out of the job market where they competed against heads of households and to make sure they wouldn't turn to criminal enterprise.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration FERA. First New Deal May 12, Relief- Provided immediate help to state and local governments so they could make direct payments to the unemployed.

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Administered by Harry Hopkins a key New Deal figure. He wanted to get people working and money circulating. Agricultural Adjustment Act AAA. First New Deal May 12, Recovery- Paid farmers NOT to produce certain commodities and to reduce acreage in production aiming to reduce surpluses and raise prices.

Farmers received subsidies in exchange for NOT producing. Helped raise farm income, but did nothing for farm laborers or migrant workers; hurt some sharecroppers in South.

Tennessee Valley Authority TVA.

First New Deal May 18, Recovery- Built hydroelectric plants and dams to generate power, provide an inland waterway, create lakes for recreation with the aim of improving the economy in seven southern states and of attracting industry to Dixie. Home Owner's Refinancing Act creates HOLC.

First New Deal June 13, Recovery- Helped urban residents refinance mortgages. National Industrial Recovery Act NIRA. First New Deal June 16, Controlled industrial production and prices with "codes of fair competition," which set production limits, set wages, determined working conditions, forbade price cutting and unfair competitive prices. Included an ban on child labor and section 7A affirmed workers' right to organize and bargain collectively.

Great Depression and the New Deal Flashcards | Quizlet

Public Works Administration PWA. First New Deal June 16, Relief- Provided heavy-duty government public works programs roads, dams, bridges, power plants to provide jobs and stimulate the economy. Run by Harold Ickes- Caution kept relief funds bottled up.

The s And The Great Depression Flashcards | Quizlet

Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act creates FDIC. Civil Works Administration CWA. Second New Deal November 9, Relief- Temporary public works agency to provide direct relief when unemployment figures proved persistent.

Abolished by FDR in spring because he feared creating an underclass dependent on welfare payments. Run by Harry Hopkins. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC. Second New Deal June 9, Reform- Designed to regulate the stock market, prevent fraud, and discourage unsound practices. Second New Deal April 30, Recovery- Hoped to help farmers move to more productive areas; helped tenants buy land; eventually replaced by Farm Security Administration.

Works Progress Administration WPA. Second New Deal May 6, Relief- Replaced CWA. Aimed to create "useful" jobs roads, bridges, schools, post offices, hospitals throughout the economy and to combat unemployment. The agency sponsored artists, scholars, photographers, and writers and promoted research into local history.

Second New Deal July 5, Reform- Guaranteed labor unions the right to organize without interference from employers, permitted "closed shops," guaranteed collective bargaining, and outlawed unfair management tactics such as blacklisting union workers. Second new Deal August 14, Reform- Created unemployment insurance, disability insurance, old-age pension and child welfare benefits by taxing workers and employers.

Backed by Francis Perkins. Second New Deal February 29, Recovery- Aimed to help farmers use contour planting, corp rotation, and anti-erosion measures. Fair Labor Standards Act.

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